Half Day Retreat
Embodiment – Creative, Intuitive, Sensual Half Day Retreat for Women Online
In this workshop you will get to experience the following
Yoga & Sensual Flow
Luxurious Goddess Massage
Orgasmic Breathwork
Sensual Vitality Qigong – Activate, circulate and sublimate life force energy
Activating and resting as your Deep Woman
Yoni Yoga for powerful, nuanced,
gentle and subtle expansion.
Yoni Egg Practice for grounding, healing, and deep
connection to your Intimate Temple
The Inner Ripple Effect – take pleasure to new dimensions for yourself and your lover
Relaxing Your Voice for freedom of expression
Taoist Breast Massage & activating the Diamond PathwayOur modern, busy, fast and often stress-filled ways of living, means we are often out of touch with our natural rhythms.
This day retreat will help you to deepen your relationship with your true feminine nature so that you can awaken and experience the source of your creative, intuitive and sensual self, feel confident, connected and alive!
How You Transform You will begin to re-root and ground in your body, your heart and womb space, away from the constant focus on your mind and head. Deepen your sense of belonging and feeling home in your body, with yourself, each other and on the Earth. Feel held, supported, connected, loved, appreciated, seen and heard while softening into who you are as a woman.
Beauty -We often deny ourselves beauty thinking it superficial or vain to desire to be in the presence of beauty or to cultivate and tend our own expression of beauty. Yet beauty fills and uplifts our souls. Beauty is nourishing and we are surrounded by it through the colours, textures, scents and lights of all of the natural world. Societal perspectives on what renders certain women beautiful or not are quite different in the vast array of cultures of the world. In women’s circles, we speak of and allow ourselves to be touched by the many varieties of beauty that infuse and uplift the soul. This is the pure essence of beauty that gives us so much pleasure which includes tending to our own sense of beauty.
Sensuality – We are naturally sensual creatures and through opening our senses and experiencing our feminine essence, we can learn to feel more sensual and enjoy it!
Jade egg- this is a powerful ancient Taoist healing practice. You will learn how to use the egg, to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and build a loving connection with your sensual self.
Feminine Embodiment Practices – Embodiment is key to experience what it actually feels like to enter into the space of your deep feminine nature. Through both energetic and gentle physical practices, you will begin to notice changes in how you feel in your body, emotions and in relation to other people (amongst many other things!). Understanding, experiencing and embodying our feminine essence and qualities awakens our connection with life, with our powerful, creative energy for an endless stream of creative ideas for our business and life. Our natural sensuality is heightened through all of our senses and we become more aware of the powerful and pure source of our sexuality, we can sink into the pleasure of our being. We tune into and align with a more natural rhythm creating spaciousness for inspiration and clarity of our intuition.
Movement & Dance – Movement encourages your presence and connection with your body, moving stagnant energy. It’s also fun!.
Creative – Short elements of outward creative expression will be included through drawing or writing.
Meditation – Powerful Visual Journey tools are also a part of day retreats!
Sisterhood Connection – Meeting and connecting with new and familiar women in this space inspires us, with women often developing close bonds and collaborations.
Next session will be in Saturday the 2023 1pm till 3pm
Please contact for me to book your place
FEE £20,-
There are 10 spots available.
Open to all women
Private message Rachel if you like to join.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS:Medical conditions/medications/pregnancy: If you are in the 1st trimester this event is not suitable for you. If you have any medical conditions, are on a prescribed medication, or have any concerns, please, see your GP and inform him/her about attending. If you currently experience or have a history of serious health issues (including mental health issues, operations, medical procedures, seizures, implants, special needs), please, inform me before.
Fee is non- transferable and non refundable.
A cancellation must be made 48 hours before the scheduled time.
Your place is secure when you paid the fee.