My story

I consider it a privilege to assist others in their quest for self-improvement, guiding them towards a deeper sense of authenticity, presence, and connection with those around them.

I am deeply dedicated to learning and growth, both within my professional domain and in my personal journey. I actively participate in a variety of experiential and theoretical trainings and workshops, continuously expanding my knowledge base and skill set.

In addition to honing my theoretical understanding, I prioritize embodiment practices, such as yoga and meditation, which not only give me a sense of physical well-being but also enhance emotional resilience and cognitive clarity. Nature holds a profound healing space for me, and I seize every opportunity to immerse myself outdoors, recognizing the intrinsic connection between our inner healing processes and our communion with the natural world.

I also travelled extensively for many years. This brings with it more cultural sensitivity on my part, and a further awareness of the diversity of culture, language and religion.

My background is working in the creative arts. I also have experience as a teacher and group facilitator. All of this rich life experience flows into the therapy room, which is sometimes dynamic, always a real learning experience, and often the only place where clients can express themselves, be seen and be heard.

If you would like to learn more about my counselling sessions, please get in touch to arrange an initial no obligation conversation. If you decide to go ahead and book an appointment, our sessions will be priced from £65

